The Individual

Very thoughtful pregression.

The Nephilim Rising


Image: The Non, ‘Alchemia Mysteria’, 2010

“To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.”

Ralph Waldo Emerson

The individual is the most endangered species in our world today. I find that even those who are ‘rebels’ by their own definition are doing nothing more than following the mentality of other self-proclaimed ‘rebels’. I understand that human’s need definition, or whatever (touchy subject because I despise labels) but to call yourself Free while following another seems counterproductive. I know that I personally have sought out like minded individuals, and yes, I now prefer the company I keep to have somewhat of a similar view. However, I do not require us all to be the same, or all have my personal Philosophy. What is the point of keeping company if they do not challenge you, in a positive way. I find…

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